Recent Posts by admin

Electronic Authorisation

Are you still faxing paperwork between offices for signature approval losing days waiting for signatures?

We have been developing a new application that controls the complete authorisation control of a document from a holiday form to a purchase order. In fact any form you can think of could be included. The application includes hierarchy levels...

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Business Intelligence

With extensive experience of the Business Objects environment both full client and web we can build solutions to help you track performance, understand business drivers, and manage your business. Business Objects reporting allows you to access data, format it, and deliver it as information inside and outside the organization....
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Management Services

With several years experience in charge of IT across multiple sites across the globe, implementing technologies such as VPN and Citrix using dual authentication technology and the internet we believe we can help you with both your existing and new IT projects. With a strong understanding of current internet capabilities and network security solutions we...
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